Soel Micheletti

Software Engineer | Researcher in Machine Learning at Harvard | Previously at ETH Zurich

I am Soel, a Software Engineer in Trading & Risk at Oepfelbaum, where I have the chance of learning a lot about finance while developing cool applications. In my free time, I am a Research Collaborator in the John Quackenbush group at Harvard University, where I previously worked as a Research Fellow. My research centers on developing algorithms for the inference and analysis of large complex graphs -- often using matrix factorization techniques -- with the goal of unveiling mechanisms involved in the development and progression of cancer.

Previously, I earned a Bachelor's in Computer Science and a Master's in Data Science at ETH Zurich with a strong focus on machine learning and statistics. During the first year of my Bachelor's, after winning the Odd Fellow Award at the National Competition by Schweizer Jugend Forscht, I had the chance to present my high school project at the Taiwan International Science Fair. Check out the interviews about the project and the experience in Taipei

I'm also a proud member of the Swiss Study Foundation and Lead The Future, two leading mentorship organizations.
